„ “ Dúfam, že sa jedného dňa dožijem, že ľudia konečne začnú veriť v samých seba“ Marcel Vanek “ I hope that one day people finally will start to believe to themselves“ Marcel Vanek 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest previous post French Riviera 2011 next post Gold You may also like Summer Accessories 17. júna 2014 Fresh Morning 27. apríla 2017 Umbrella shirt 24. júna 2014 Vegan World 28. augusta 2014 Creamy Cream 15. júla 2014 Summer trends III. 6. júla 2014 Chilling at home 21. decembra 2013 1 comment KERRIN 22. augusta 2012 - 3:29 thanks for the sweet comment! let’s follow each other! xx Comments are closed.
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thanks for the sweet comment! let’s follow each other! xx
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